The big day of the play through the eyes of one of our stars, Nancy:
“Everyone hopped in vehicles to head to the theatre for a day of play rehearsal. I made a fast pitstop in the bathroom and changed out of my pjs and into clothes…off to the theatre for rehearsal! People were scattered everywhere running through scenes, putting last finishing touches on props etc, and hoping that we go the right direction and not the wrong way, oops! If we do, we improvise to recover.
Throughout the day Faith and I were working on our monologues for our scene. I just taking my time and typing my monologue reminded me of writing a high school essay (nerve wrecking!) and thinking about how to say things. Mike called us in to the theatre to talk and run us through our scene. I was like "I will finish my monologue and type it in my voice app later". Faith finished saying her monologue and then It was my turn to do my monologue for the scene. All I had was half of my monologue in my voice app. I was like “oops!” I just have half of my monologue typed in! Yikes!
The minute we got back in the hallway I was freaking out because I was completely confused and wasn't sure how my monologue was turning out etc. I asked Faith what to do because I am nervous about tomorrow for the play and she said the play is tonight. I was like "ok Nancy, You got this!" I finished up my monologue and typed it in the app. We ate dinner and we got ready in the usual “organized chaos” way. It’s not a play without some type of chaos. Right?
Izzo parked me next to Faith because we could joke around with each other to distract us from how nervous we were going on stage. I thought izzo would be back to bring me on stage and give me my iPad so that I could prep it and I could say my monologue efficiently and seamlessly. Nope! Brynn and Eliza got me out on stage. Eliza quickly got my iPad set up for me and I managed to unlock it and got to the voice app the fastest I ever done …without missing a beat. Faith and I delivered our monologues seamlessly and someone grabbed my tray and everything quickly from me so I could dance to compliment Faith’s beautiful singing of “Part of your world”. Everyone loved the play, Faith and I got a lot of compliments from people how much they loved our scene “
It was an incredible performance by all and we can’t wait to put on the next one! Enjoy the pictures below, and keep an eye out for footage once it is released!