August 25th 2022 - The Play Approaches!
We started the day with a big breakfast outdoors and took in the stunning views of Ashmere Lake as we fueled up for the jam-packed day ahead! To make sure that everyone was on the same page, we followed breakfast with some singing, and Myles and Ophelia encouraged everyone to sing their loudest and learn the words fully, so that we could rock the crowd on Friday! The crew split up after music and spent a few hours relaxing and enjoying activities such as art, yoga, and advocacy discussions. Julia’s dog, Kevin, also made a surprise visit! We re-grouped for a quick lunch, and then split off into two cohorts. The first unit headed to the theater over at Williams College to begin working on songs/solos and big dance numbers, while the other enjoyed some leisurely swimming and water activities such as paddle boarding and kayaking. A few even snuck in a little nap under the afternoon sun. We all met up at Williams for dinner together, and then ran through the play, start to finish, for the first time! We are so thrilled to perform it live in front of an audience! As practice wrapped up, folks headed back to camp, and our tired group hit the hay to rest up for opening day on Friday. Enjoy the pics below and some insight into the life of a mermaid actor:
“Originally Mike had me (Nancy) and Faith doing an antique road show scene where I would show faith random objects and she would say what they are and explain what they are. I was like “okay Mike… this doesn’t make sense”. I would have rolled with it …get it …roll wheelchair? [insert drum track, ba dum tsh] - Roll with the waves…? I trust Mike, and I know Mike things always makes sense in the end! The scene changed to Faith and I doing monologues and singing/dancing duet”